> March Group Gift
Dark Seducer in gold: Mesh corset in 5 standard sized plus pants in 2 layers with sculpted cuffs.
The vendor for the group gift is near where the lucky chairs are, on the back of the store, near the accessories area. Some people asked me why i didn't set it nearest to the entrance, well...in order for the script to work i have to set the piece of land where it is to the group of Goth1c0, the rest of the land is deeded to my personal land group. And on that side i used to have the entrance of the store. I cant move right now that little piece of land to another place cus im capped in my land holdings. Soooo for now it will stay there, plus you get to see all of the rest of our creations while you visit, right?
Stay tuned more comming this way....and more for guys too!!
> TP to the store