*drum droll*.....well yeah after dealing and fighting with SL all day.... here what i have done for Zona cero :) Long and short sleeves printed tees, tucked and untucked versions.
Still have to clean stuffs and work on tinny details but, for the most part, this is it. I might use someone else as a model. ;P
ok...im outta here!
The "remember here" button doesnt work blah im so lazy to type all my password and stufs hehe^^;;...well i got two things to say....or maybe three hmmm. First...there is another Keishii in SL...gaaaaaaah!...yeah that made me mad like for 2 seconds...well 5...ok, ok....10 seconds -.-!...but im over it...after almost 2 years someone else thought on using Keishii v_v call me silly but i was very happy being the only one ;P Second...as i said before in another post i have been making clothes like the ones i wear RL, moooooore or less. I am getting the feeling of it and having a lot of fun actually, i made a logo for them and all...and now i am pondering...what to do with them? yeah i didnt really stop to think that i was making -more- urban clothes...when there is like...how many stores already? i dunno. I am very very proud of them cus they look great....but then again, there is alot out there...like Don, Zab, Renegade, etc, etc...all with great designs and very high quality...so now i dunno...i worked on 6 tees for guys, 1 jacket, some jeans and stuffs for girls like tees, vintage bangles and belts, scarves....but now its...where would i put it...i even made a logo...new store? add it to Goth1c0? meh i dunno anymore D: Im adding the logos here....i love how they turned tho, same as my logo for goth1co and the one for entity, i really like them all. Arent they awesome? lol xD yaaaay go me ~coughs and comes back to earth, blinking~ eeer where i was? aaaah yeah so...where to sell them? i have a basement in gothico, i could use it to put some of this stuffs andd see how it does. I will take pictures later of the tees and post them here :)
Oh and third...who would be so kind to send my way some cupcakes from this little store near china town in NY? I have been wanting some since i found out starbucks made some for the holidays and after trying them and almost gagging with the super sweet un-natural flavor they have...i have been craving those. Funny thing, i miss from NY.... those cupcakes, my walks through 8th street, the japanese library near Rockefeller center, the veggie sandwiches from the store in the corner from where i used to live, picking up random furniture from the street, the little space i had in the loft and drinking beers with Gina and Alex. Was an incredible time :) Alrighty...im outta here!
PD im blog challenged geee! After the 4th atempt to post this...i hope this one works!

god i suck!...i went to take a nap at 8:30 pm yesterday, i was so cold and feeling all shitty, we been having very bad weather lately, temperatures drop almsot to zero... i set up my alarm clock one hour later, after some time that i was sleeping, my dog barked and growled near me, waking me up...she lays near me, almost over my pillow and if she is not sleeping, she is just watching out, being a vigilante LOL...well someone walked near my door and she barked and growled...i woke up and i felt a huge headache, it was pounding very hard behind my nose and eyes, so i took an advil and went back to bed....i never ever heard my alarm! meeh -.- i hate when that happens cus of course i woke up at 4 am...with a lot of effort and feeling my nose stuffed and ichy and all my body hurting, i went back to sleep till 6:40 am...so yaaaaaay yeah...im wiiiiiiide awake now at 7:00 am :/
i was trying to finish this dress i was making but i just cant...yeah i think i do have a cold v__v; well ok i will go curl in bed and watch TV after having some food. *gets some cereal, drags pile of anime near and a warm blanket*
Found out the power adapter from my old powerbook works with this one YAY! i dont have to buy one now weee....
PD Holly shit!!!!...i read on the mac apple store site that lots of ppl have had problems with this power adapters needing to buy 2 or 3 or 4 or more during 1 or 2 years of having this powerbook...holly mackrel batman!! and it costs 79 US but...they are out of them!.....grrrrrrrr...i was lucky that someone forgot one at my sister job (she works in starbucks as a manager) and after 1 year that they never came back to ask for it, she gave it to me, so yeah i have used 2 and now the third that its from my old titanium.......and of course since they flick and they get broken so easily, i have to buy now a new rechargable battery, cus mine already died, and that will be 129 US.....and i wanted more memory *sighs* (512 mb for 150 US or 1 gb for 300 US) :'(
i so dont wanna know how much will all this costs here in Mexico!!!
soooooooooo....after hmm i dunno how long...here i am again. When i created this account, dunno how i picked the beta option, of course i didnt pay attention to this little detail -BUT- in order to log in again, i have to go to beta...cus in the normal option of blogger my account doesnt exists, nothing, nada, it just says the username is not registered blah blah..... meh >>; But now that i know how does it works...yah...blogging.
I put out my first attempt of hair, this was made as a suggestion of some ppl i met in Club Industry...cyberpunk hairs...this happened months ago i looked for pictures, colors, names and the like...well i worked on 4 styles and i made a lot of textures for them. After going nutty with all the options of colors i could think of and making tons of combinations, i just dropped the project....why?...how would i put it for sale? if there were so many many options for them -singles packs or several colors in one? pick between those tons of colors nd delete some or keep all?- this and fighting with the constant crashing (for some reason my wireless connection dies everytime i try to texture more than 5 prims at the same time in one step so yeah a royal pain) and...finding out that someone else made them...i kinda lost interest ._. But some of my friends that saw them, kept asking me when i would put them up cu they wanted to buy them and well now they are up :P But they eat tons of prims, gah!!
~~Noam i totally hear you, there has been times that i am just standing in my home or store and noone talks with me at all and my brain is just so bored or numb that i cant come with ideas for new stuffs. It can pass 3 hours and the only thing i hear is the wind or music if i have some. There is when i started reading blogs or checking profiles or classifieds for any weird word i could came up with. I will talk with you more often tho ;) but for now i hope you get sorted out whatever happened.
Im still shoked for reading his decision D': and Canimal's and Willow's ones too quitting from PXP. Dunno what happened...what was so big to make ppl that seemed to be happy, be unhappy now? .-.
Im outta here!
so yeah i gave in and i got a blog....i wanted to get it yesterday night cus i read somewhere, something that made me wanna write. But the bitchiness moment passed and i thought on it better. Might not be a good idea to post your first blog entrance giving out the kind of message i wanted to write. In the end whatever you write in your blog is your personal opinion and i went for that, at first i thought that just cus a lot of ppl say this last statement, you are justified to write in such ignorant manner -but- to each their own.
Well lets see...Goth1c0...i have been working in endless projects: destroyed jeans, more tees, even a new line of casual clothes for guys based in what i wear RL LOL, more gothic lolita's dresses, some rave wear, hairs, jewerly, boots, heels and piercings...all are in the process...what happened with all this?...well i start making something but it takes me so long to get it done that by the time i am half finished...someone else made something -similar- so this kind of projects start to pile up in my hard drive or in my inventory in SL.
But i thought the past days...even if someone thought on the same thing, it doesnt matter...you are not copying them, you had the same idea (there is nothing new under the sun) and you are making it accoding to whatever your own idea is...yeah *nods* soooooo well thats my goal now, finish all those projects and put them up for sale. To check what in my store is old and i will take them down (mostly cus im saving prims and some stuffs were built when i started looooooong time ago). But most important of all...stop stressing because there are way many more ppl, more talented than me. With many more ideas and even more idea on how to make a business sucessful in SL. I am me, i started my store without anyone help, and i have been around for a year and 5 months. Something its right in all. :)
Now im done ranting and i need to go, my coffee is cold i'm buying a tiny tea house! WOOT! <3
PD...i found a bug zapper!!!! omg its just...i want!!.......got it v.v! go meee the faster shopper on SL *blows on wallet*